Your Reading List

Some suggestions of reading and resources to support you and your therapy.


Reading can help you to learn about yourself, your brain, find techniques and strategies that can help. This can be referred to as Bibliotherapy! More frequently, self help books. ‘But How?’ is possibly one of the most asked questions I hear in therapy.

The popular psychology section of a book shop can feel full and at times, overwhelming. So, on this page are some reading suggestions that can support you and your therapy.

But remember, a self help book is just that - a book. You are the one to put that into practice. A book may feel therapeutic and helpful, but it is not therapy. Support from a psychotherapist may still be required.


Overcoming Anxiety, 2nd Edition, Kennerley, H. 2014

Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Meares, K. & Freeston, M. 2008

The Generalised Anxiety Workbook, Robichaud, M & Dugas, M. 2015

The Chimp Paradox, Peters, S. 2012

The Compassionate Mind Workbook, Irons, C. & Beaumont, E. 2017

I had a Black Dog, Johnstone, M. 2005 (Please also look at animation on youtube)

Living with a Black Dog, Johnstone, M. 2008

The Mindful Way through Depression, Willams, M. Teasdale, J. Segal, Z. Zinn, JK. 2007

This Book will Make you sleep, Hibbard, J. & Usmar, J. 2014

Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems, Espie, C. 2010

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Veale, D. &Willson, R. 2005

Flying with Confidence, Furness, P. & Allright, S. 2013


The Great Big Book of Feelings, Hoffman, M. & Asquith, R. 2013

The Huge Big Bag of Worries, Ironside, V. 1996

Have you Filled your Bucket Today, McCloud, C. 2016

Buckets, Dippers and Lids. McCloud, C. 2018

What to do when your Temper Flares, Huebner, D. 2008

What to do when you Dread your Bed, Huebner, D. 2008

Buddha at Bedtime, Nagaraja, D. 2016

What to do when you Worry too much, Huebner, D. 2006

What to do when Mistakes make you quake, Freeland, C. 2016

The Bears. Innovative Resources. 1997.

Feelings in a Jar. Freespirit publishing.


My Hidden Chimp, Peter, S. 2018

The Kindness Workbook, Beaumont, E. & Welford, M. 2020

The American Girls Series of books

Blame my brain, the amazing teenage brain, Morgan, N. 2013

Why has nobody told me this before, Smith, J. 2022

Think Good, Feel Good. Stallard, P. 2002.

The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse, Mackesy, C.

Inventing Ourselves, The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain, Blakemore, S. 2019 (For Parents)